THIS is what I would do if I had to restart my health journey from scratch …

Restarting Your Health Journey

These are the 5 things that I would do if I hit the “RE-START” button:


1 - Know that at least 80% of what feels “wrong” comes from mental, emotional, and energetic causes (weight, health issues, stress, anxiety, injuries …)

🀍 this helps cut to the chase, addresses the actual root causes, and allows for real results in a shorter period of time


2 - Use ‘keep it simple’ as a guiding principle in everything I do.

🀍 this applies to food, ingredients, “how to eat” … starting to meditate … making exercise “just something you do” … ‘simple’ is clutch.


3 - Know that meditation and internal ‘work’ transform my life in every possible way.

🀍 going from “I can’t be alone with my thoughts, let alone myself” to “I wish I could just permanently live in meditation” … this might be the biggest takeaway (although all of these points are directly connected, so that’s not really true 😬)


4 - Use exercise as my life line, not for permission to eat nor punishment for what I ate

🀍 exercise is a complete game-changer for me. it IS my antidepressant, my reboot, what I look forward to, and a non-negotiable


5 - EVERYTHING is a choice …  a powerful truth & the best advice to live by.

🀍 every single thing changes FOR me as I respond to myself and change what I do & who I CHOOSE to be.

there is no situation / relationship / health issue untouched …

I AM the common denominator in my life.

and who & how I choose to Be is literally what comes … and also who I Be-Come.

EVERYTHING is a choice.

that’s the some of the most powerful advice you’ll hear πŸ™πŸΌ let that resonate for a while.


If you’re just starting or thinking about improving your health, I have a couple things to help you get started.

🌱 my Real Food Reset Masterclass - a free online resource that shares tips to help you start clearing out inflammation, boosting mental clarity, and making empowered food choices, that you can explore right now.

🧘🏻‍♀️ my How To Meditate In 10 Days - an online beginner’s guide to help build your meditation habit step-by-step.