... It's not that you're "way too busy".

Real Talk

There is a reason everything else takes priority over exercise … It’s not that you are way too busy.

Running the energy of “way too busy” and constantly finding that “extra things are piling onto your plate” is manifesting more of the validating reasons to not exercise 🤍


Your surface level, powerfully manifested excuses look like:

It’s such a production with the shower & everything afterwards, I don’t have time ...

My boss came in with another brief as I was thinking about packing up to leave ...

I didn’t get up early enough = all or nothing, conveniently associating only one time in the 16 hours you are awake that you could possibly work out ...

My kids are with me all day ...

I really just need a rest day (which is 100% legitimate if you’ve been doing some form of exercise 5 to 6 days that week!) ...

My knees are terrible (DEFINITELY take care of your knees … and opt for non-impact or swimming or biking) ...

I have no time for myself …


Deeper layer, common themes I hear:

🤍 When you were little, your parents told you exercise is not for you and you would hurt yourself

🤍 Even though you’re an athlete, you associate exercise with your ex & the only time he gave you attention

🤍 There is some underlying fear of getting your heart rate up and “what might happen” (internal habit of going to Armageddon)

🤍Who will I be if I lose the weight and get in shape? Will I be seen? (fear of success)


Softening, breathing, having some water, and looking straight at the many layers underneath “I have no time to exercise” is one of the most powerful ways to start transforming your life 🙏🏼



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