
Sometimes I receive unsolicited emails from clients that blow my mind 🤍🙏🏼🤍
I truly love everything about coaching, and am so incredibly appreciative, grateful for, and PROUD of the amazing people who enter my life as clients, and swiftly become sister-friend-tribe members.
This came into my inbox recently:
Subject line - “reflections”
'In January 2022 we did our first session together after a long time watching your information and several chats. I was super skeptical but intrigued. I was searching (for a very long time) for something, not sure what, and things aligned for me to find you. We started with 4 intuitive sessions as it felt right and safer than a bigger commitment. It was mind-blowing! I wanted more! I am a different person but very grateful to the old version of me. You were that voice of reason when my voice of reason was very confused for so many reasons! I just knew there was more for me! You helped me navigate it all without judgement, just respect and love.
You took away so much from me:
~ old beliefs
~ extra weight
~ food confusion
~ being hard on myself (mean, actually)
~ self-doubt
~ unfocused overthinking
~ so much more!
I now eat extremely clean and intuitively (not because "they" said it was right or wrong.) I regularly exercise without it being a punishment but a joy. I meditate daily. I stopped beating myself up in every possible way! I eliminated alcohol. I am a recovered perfectionist. I now truly love myself and care about me! Every aspect of my life has improved not because of a program, a list of "rules", a wagon I needed to get on, or that you "did something magical" but because what really happened is YOU reminded ME of the magic within ME, the magic of ME. You are so much more that a trainer or wellness coach.........YOU ARE AN EMPOWERMENT COACH! You taught me that it is, truly, ALL CONNECTED. I have extreme respect, gratitude and love for you!’