It is time to live how you say you want to live.

I am ready to live how I say I want to live.

Say it out loud ... I am ready to do things differently. I am ready to do things differently. I am ready to do things differently. I am ready to do things differently.


I am ready to live how I say I want to.

I am ready to do things differently.

I am ready to do things differently.


What do I choose in this perfect moment right now?

And now?

And now?

I do things differently now 🙏🏼


As you continue to choose little things in your own benefit  … One small choice following another small choice …

THEN we can start talking about …

actual foods,


finding when in the day & how much of certain healthy fats serve you best for mental clarity, emotional balance, work, productivity, and projecting overall calm,

discovering your favorite fun snacks as you shed the weight

meeting more / new people on the same wavelength as you

discovering who of your current people are actually craving the new calm you are broadcasting for themselves, and spending more time with them

… Establishing new norms for when you hang out that is expansive (vs. contracting like venting to different people over & over in loops)


🤍 We are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with.

That is part of what we “ingest”.


All that we ingest … Food, beverage, social media, conversations, chosen interactions with friends and work colleagues …

Every single experience and choice puts us closer towards the goal we are wanting, allows us to reach it, and create new goals

… Or …

Further away, deeper into what we say we don’t want.



Currently Available ~

Single 1:1 Coaching Call

Pantry & Fridge Zoom Session

Clean up your eating, Heal your life 1:1 Coaching

Somatic Breathwork

My Book "30 Little Thoughts" on Amazon

Your Body Knows - An intro to intuitive eating Mini Course

Guilt-Free Eating Online Course